Join the Lab
November 2024: We are not recruiting at the moment but it's never too early to start a conversation! Contact us at geoffroy@tamu.edu.
Graduate students
We are looking for a graduate student to join the lab. Students enrolled in the Medical Science Graduate Program or the Neuroscience Graduate Program can contact us at geoffroy@tamu.edu.
Students looking for a position in the lab and not enrolled in any of the graduate programs mentioned above, should visit the websites of the Medical Science Graduate Program or the Neuroscience Graduate Program and apply to one of them.

Undergraduate students
We are always looking for motivated undergraduate students to join the lab! Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years interested in joining the lab should contact us at geoffroy@tamu.edu. Please send a CV and brief explanation of what you expect to gain from this experience. Students should have a GPA above 3.4 and are expected to make at least a 1-year commitment (most students stay longer) and work at least 12hr per week in the lab including evenings and weekends as needed.
Students will be exposed to a wide variety of techniques, from molecular biology, cell culture, mouse husbandry techniques, behavior, to histology and imaging techniques, depending on ongoing projects and students interests. Students may receive course credit for their participation (NRSC 485 and/or NRSC 491).
Research Assistants
November 2024: We are not recruiting at the moment